Thursday, August 14, 2014

Hill Day

This week has been your first FULL week of kindergarten---and mine too! In an attempt to encourage you on Tuesday night, I told you that two days were already behind us and that Wednesday was called, "Hump Day"---we were already half way there! On Wednesday, we were resting on the HUMP to finish out the week so that we could enjoy an unscheduled, impromptu weekend.

I thought you'd remember the word 'hump' on Wednesday morning so I asked you to share with Daddy what day it was or rather what Wednesday was called! The encouragement must of settled within your heart as you envisioned those camels that we discussed having fed in Cyprus this summer! Without a lot of enthusiasm you answered: "Hill Day". I had to smile and the three of us managed a little laugh among the stresses of the morning.

No matter where you are in your week, find those little moments of unexpected joy and embrace them. There will always be humps or hills in life...hurdles that will ruffle your feathers but you've only one choice to move forward---give thanks! Ann Voskamp reminded me this week that, "Grace allows u-turns; it’s Time that doesn’t. This is a grace too, to coerce us all into waking up to the here that won’t be here tomorrow." Whatever comes your way, meet it head on with grace today!

I love you little one!

post signature

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Until the End of the Day

My favorite time to gather my thoughts and pull the loose ends of my day together are at the end of the night when everyone's tucked in asleep (as in you). I often find myself seeking a warm cup of coffee as I gather my laptop to reflect upon our day together but as this new 'Kindergarten' routine is slowly unfolding, my thoughts are everywhere. 

A pile of loose suitcase ends are piled on my bedside table waiting for me to place them in their proper locations within our home. That little pile reminds me of you jet lagged with me in the big bed half asleep...."Mommy, when are we going to see those twinkling lights again!?!" You were referring to the lights illuminating in the crevices of the mountains that you could see each night from Yiayia's and Papou's veranda. They are one of our favorites to watch for as the blackness of the night embraces the solitude of the village.

An after school pile of......
Your backpack, lunchbox, snack box, my purse, and an unfinished coffee mug sat on the kitchen counter as I was putting up your dishes tonight. The clock was ticking but my mind was racing around in circles as it thought about getting you in bed on time and finding the right moments to put away today's memories and prepare for tomorrow's blessings. The array of our belongings piled throughout the kitchen reminded me to count the joy of the day-----having the opportunity to be a stay at home mom this week to see you off to Kindergarten each day, the warm smiles and good-mornings from the teachers/staff at your new school, the glitter you wanted sprinkled in your hair to scare the jitters, the touch of Mommy's perfume on your wrist to smell Mommy when you were lonely, the reminder that you can pray away the unknown by asking God to help you through your day.......from your tear stained face to the words softly pouring out, "....but Mommy, I won't get to see you until the end of the day!" 

Little words that tugged at my heart strings a little more than normal because I know the depth of your heart------how you long to share our days together. How you intently listen even when you don't always mind!?! How you analyze and question important it is to be part of my deeply you care......and I was reminded of this yesterday at the pool when you asked, "Mommy, did you save one errand for us to do together?"

I pulled out of the school parking lot with tears in my eyes thinking about not seeing you until the end of the day and how I had to encourage you that I'd be with you all day in your heart. The tears streamed but the lyrics enveloped me, "And if there's anybody here who's found Him faithful...Anybody here who knows He's able...say amen....Anybody here found joy in the middle of sorrow...peace in the storm, hope for tomorrow...and seen it time and time again...just say Amen!" And I had my confirmation through the music by Finding Favour that you were in good hands-----that God would see you through your day------that I wouldn't be conflicted about your day as I stayed focused upon my work....and His protection...guidance...

I touched up the kitchen. Then, I took a in walk outside in the beautiful summer weather and came home to a busy morning of blogging work as I sipped on juice, water, and coffee and prayed for you. I needed to run a few quick errands but I rolled one into car pool pick up time and saved one for us to do together just as you requested. 

A smile played across your face as you jumped into the truck at car pool. You were excited to share that you ate all of your lunch and that Mrs. Jennifer wanted some of your Summer Salsa. You suggested that we print her out a recipe so that you can put it in your lunch box and give it to her during lunch tomorrow. Grand idea----always thinking! You shared that Tuesday was always Music Day......additional chatter and snacking unfolded all the way to Kroger as I watched the traffic and parked. In Kroger, you were super friendly and courteous. You talked to everyone and helped pick up items that were in the wrong locations. We zoomed out towards home in time to gather an hour poolside before your hour of gymnastics. So I'm thinking that we need a dinner box in addition to your lunch box and snack box that you use at school.......our day was filled with cartoon with five little kittens running around everywhere until you put them back in the basement! We discovered that your Mommy cat, Princess Girl, likes Avocado Corn Salsa and Triberry Refrigerated Oatmeal. She's a silly cat------and you're a silly, serious little girl.

One catalog of 'once upon a time' titles followed us to bed but your thoughts took over as you started your own quiet reflections and tears streamed down your face...."Mommy, what did you all day without me? Did you wash dishes all day?" I asked you to tell me three things you liked about school class, the playground, and Mommy coming to get you at the end of the day! You reiterated a statement I've heard all week, "I just want you to be in the same classroom with me!" 

I know you're making progress........we're making progress! Sometimes what we want more of gets put on hold until we have to take care of what's before us-----the task at hand. We all have to find the balance in our day to work and make sure that loved ones don't have to wait until the end of the day to see be with us! 

Even Daddy had his own agenda today. Piles of work to take care of.........he's often called it 'busy putting fires out all day' and today he was literally covered in smoke burning fields of sunflowers for Dove least I think that's what he was doing since it's mid-August and preparations must be made......but that was only one of many tasks he had on his mind today. He even had 'complicated' homework to tend to--------that's another season in our lives that's around the corner......

Daddy's Homework
For this the end of the night all we can do is pull together all of our thoughts and pound them out on the keyboard.....pen them in our journal.....count them as joy......bundle them with love and pour them into our prayers for God to help us see, hear, taste, touch, and smell what matters's just a season of new beginnings. I'm right here little one praying for you.......cheering you on until the end of the day.

I must say that two nights of not setting the table for the three of us to eat dinner together is a little's a favorite time of mine for our family to come together. Tonight, you were fast asleep before Daddy stepped into the backdoor but the little pitter patter of Kindergarten feet made their way down the hallway and into Daddy's arms about an hour into your slumber..........I'll count that as unexpected joy....a simple gesture of love as Daddy lifted you into his strong arms at the end of his day and carried you back to your bed to finish your dreams. I think it was 'cotton candy' that you were supposed to be dreaming of tonight...our prayer's ending for tonight.

I love you little one!

post signature

Monday, August 11, 2014


A half day Wednesday....a full day Thursday....a full day Friday.....a car pool "Mommy" voiced with a smile across your face as you ran into my arms...I was so delighted to see you and the missing bags under your eyes! You jumped into the truck and started chattering......."it wasn't so long after all!" The conversation streamed through the carpool exit, down the highway, into Walgreens, all the way home, and all the way to Tumble and Cheer class! The evening moved quickly. I can't even recall what we had for dinner or how we even managed to steer into Saturday.......or Sunday!?! Too fast.....indeed.

Daddy says that you are getting to be more like me every day!?!
I remember sitting at the kitchen table Sunday afternoon menu planning for the week. You requested to write your own list too! Of course mom likes hers nice and tidy----and I wasn't so sure what you had 'in mind' to write out-----and you didn't get a chance to sneak in a list on my list!?! So I printed you, your own menu planning list! You opted for a list of what Daddy needed to work on when he arrived home. As we added to the list, you kept remembering other items that I had verbally discussed getting done. Thus you added them to the list of projects and noted that Daddy wouldn't get all of them done today. Finally, your hand got tired of writing and you asked me to finish your list with specific notations. About that time Daddy arrived and the work began.......pool time....grilling time.....bedtime......and our leisure weekend turned into Monday morning. I, myself, wasn't eager to see 5:30--------and 6:30 for you was a bit early.........too fast.

The morning didn't stop to greet us at a slower again we met in the carpool line. I was on the phone with an unexpected long distant phone call with our friend, Denetric, but I still glimpsed your smile and your eagerness to tell me to look in your folder! It was a GREEN day (the best day possible----on your discipline chart)! You snacked on the way home and it wasn't until we arrived home that you asked me to look in your lunchbox---only two mini bites of watermelon! A different kind of FAST!?! I was sad to see that you were fasting through lunch again but pleased to see that your grapes from snack were gone--------you were on fumes with breakfast's milk & banana and the day's two bites of watermelon and handful of grapes! We talked about eating for energy as you consumed a glass of milk at home and a bowl of avocado corn salsa! We packed your lunch for the pool---tossing the warm milk and yogurt!?! You snacked and swam around talking to me about your day----the rules song, the gym, the three little apples song, capital and lowercase letters, responsible and respectful......the sun was quickly fading away...too FAST----and although we had you refueled well since carpool, your body was ready to rest.

Savoring Summer's Last Swimming Days
At home this evening, you showered and watched Peppa Pig while eating dinner (Yes! Even after all the snacking for two hours after school----your FAST had you on EMPTY!)....and a request to work in our journal......and then we had to have story time in your bedroom with all the little kittens but they weren't interested in Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes. When you heard Daddy at the back door you were not either for just a moment...Princess Girl came in with Daddy and the kittens found dinner ready so our story time was on hold for a minute while we quickly revisited your school day with Daddy-------and the kittens had a quick snack before you all picked them up from 'school' and returned them to their home in the basement (until the heat allows us to move them to the garage/outside).....special prayers for our little, BIG kindergartner--------a story about Lilly who loved school......sleepy eyes before any more books could be read.......but we talked about Lilly wanting to be a teacher....and I asked you what do you want to be when you grow up!?! A teacher like Mommy!?! Or a builder like Daddy!?! 

Half asleep, you said, "A teacher!"

Tuesday's Lunchbox & Snack Bag with a Little Journal Joy

You were FAST asleep and Tuesday morning will be here before we know it.........and the end of the week........and the end of kindergarten........and one day, we'll know when you're all grown up what you've managed to become.........

It will all come together FASTER than we intend it to--------but until then, I'll count these little moments....the trials and triumphs as moments of unexpected joy!

I love you little one!

post signature

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Reflections: Persevere

Today was your first full day of Kindergarten! Without the expectation of 'normal'----whatever normal is, I set aside my ideal morning and allowed our day to unfold. I carried my cameras but there were no smiles but a multitude of questions....why is the school day so loooong!?! "Mommy, why aren't you crying!?!" I can't say that I'm sad about you going to kindergarten because I know ALL that school entails and you are READY! If you were walking into my classroom, there would be smiles and laughter....and silliness....and writing and I know there will be much of the same in your kindergarten classroom. I was a teacher for twelve years prior to having you and I must say that my toughest student has been YOU these last six years---my very own daughter! You're as strong-willed and stubborn as I. You're eager to learn and love the challenges of NEW but maybe with a little reluctance to let go of the familiar. So you told me this morning again..."I want to go Mommy but I want you to be there too!" I know that we've never been separated----and that we've muddled through hard days and easy days----long days and short days......days full of love and lonely days but we've always had each other------and we STILL do! I tried to explain to you that we've been stuck together like super glue tonight (as we talked in bed at six o'clock tonight)! As I explained, you counter acted my statements with a valid argument..."....but we're not!" Thus, I explained that God chose me to be your mother and gave me everything I needed to get you this far....and now formal schooling is one of those wedges that pulls apart a little bit of the super glue that binds us! You listened and pressed your little body into mine. You mentioned that everything is 'different' at your new school. I argued that Greece was different this summer but you enjoyed it! You came back with "...but I was with you silly and I missed Daddy but we came back!" You always have an answer when a question isn't forming on your tongue!

As I sat in carpool this afternoon the rain fell against the windshield, I saw the reflection of your name and reached for my iphone camera. Searching in my heart of hearts for the unexpected joy of the day, the pieces started falling together......remember I didn't have any grand expectations but I knew that God had every little drop of joy placed exactly where I needed to find it today. I thanked him for Daddy's help this morning as we loaded you up for your first day. I pocketed the memories of the glittery sparkles of golden glitter that was supposed to steal the first day jitters----and the smiles of magical memories as we poured it on your head and Daddy's. I saw the special bond of love God's given us when you wanted me to cry when you were crying....and the little nod of your head when I told you that I wanted you to be happy about the new adventures of kindergarten. And maybe I missed a few little morsels of joy as I waited for an easier beginning (but I wasn't supposed to have an expectation, right!?!)........yet, I still remembered the skipping beat you had going down the hall when we had come for half a day....and I counted that as joy too because I know that I'll see it again soon.....I counted the hours at home and the movement of the clock hands as joy...and the teacher's lips that read your name off of my car pool flier today as joy---Sophia Jackson....and your smile as I eased up in the car pool line and you exited the school building....and the moment you landed in the backseat of the pickup truck!

I never envisioned myself driving a truck or having a kindergarten student nor of being the mom in car pool line.......I still remember the Jeep and the Cadillac, the teacher status.......and the kids in my room...I'd go home alone and return to teach but with you, you're everywhere I am...even when we're not together. You are always on my mind and in my heart! Being mom of you....of my little, big Kindergartener is joyful even without the full smile! Although you didn't take one bite of lunch today at school (not the healthy options nor the junk food offers---and you barely touched your snack), I know you and I know that you took in everything around you! That's what you and I do......we savor the world around us! This afternoon we felt the cool rain against our skin and zoomed through Kroger wet & cold talking through the aisles. You saw Laynee and Jaxon----and stole a hug from Laynee (who waves to you at school)! We chatted about your day all the way home---and pulled out scrapbooks of when Mommy was a teacher....we talked about then and now.....and together stole journal time in the comfort of the king sized bed....making a list of things you remembered from school today! A list of joy: Madison (she wore a blue shirt and glasses, a magic screen at the library that you watched a movie on, Mrs. Jamie in the office, Mr. Cherry in the hallway, a bear you colored and the word Name with a line next to it to write your name on it, running after the truck in car pool........a pair of antonyms were jotted down in your journal next to the truck you drew of the two of us in it---SAD and HAPPY. Some days are like that....mixed up days when we don't know who or what we are........but just remember we're in this together! Although you didn't see my tears this morning, my heart was breaking that you weren't super excited about school....but I believe in you! I know you'll find the magical moments in your school days and that each day will get better.........we'll count the joy together and let the reflections of each day give us strength to persevere.

I love you little, BIG kindergartener!

post signature

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


This summer while we were in Greece miles away from home, we'd settle into bed for the night and talk to one another. I remember endless questions, stories, anxiety & a few tears as we discussed Kindergarten and all that it would entail. You were eager to learn but one little small thread kept you connected to me..."But Mommy, I want you to be there too!" From that little sentence....those little fears....the story of 'Shoo!' was born! I never really remember the words of our stories as they unfold in those quiet moments together but the setting, characters, lesson, etc. pretty much stays the same......This story is about Mommy being a teacher and little children coming to my classroom.......just as you walked into your 'K' classroom today....Once upon a time when Mommy was a teacher, it was the first day of school. The little boys and girls that came to my classroom were left there to learn just like I'll leave you in your class! These boys and girls learned and learned! They learned to write stories in their journals. We sang songs. We ate lunch....playground.....and before we knew it, it was the end of the day! I 'shooed' those boys and girls out the door telling them 'to go home!' (You laughed at the silly tone of the story! And the story continued to unfold....) Do you know what those boys and girls did? They came back on the second day of school....and we learned and learned and learned...and played...and sang! And the end of the day came and I shooed them again!?! And they came back again.....Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! My students kept coming back! So I assured you that as you learned all about what school was about and who your teacher was you'd keep going back again and again to learn more---and that your teacher too would SHOO! you out the door---and you'd go back for more.....Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! The endless laughter that we shared was an unexpected moment of joy!

Sophia at the Back-to-School Bash
After visiting your school, Fifth Consolidated Elementary School, for the back to school bash you requested that our tale be retold last night, the day before your first half day of Kindergarten! So the story unfolded...and the reassurance came again when I drove you to school this morning! And when I picked you up, you smiled in the back seat and asked, "Mommy, did my teacher Shoo! me away today!?!" I love your little heart of stories....our stories. So I said, "Well, Mrs. Tami might not know our story about 'Shoo!' but I can shoo you away in the mornings and you can keep coming back to me in the afternoon!" 

"But, I told her Mommy!" 

Daddy Motivation: Pep Talk & Fist Bumps
First 1/2 Day of Kindergarten
Outside the front door--uncertain!?!
Our afternoon was busy with the promise of poolside fun after your half day at school! Only after an hour at the pool, you requested to go home to rest. Snacks and cartoons.......and a six year old physical appointment.....little snuggles with your kittens who have found a napping spot on the carpet (just like I found this unexpected snapshot on my camera taken by you)...

Your five little kittens (+ mommy cat) = SIX (just like YOU)!

....and as I pulled together a few little thoughts this evening you grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and ask Mommy to help you spell a few words. A sentence penned....a letter folded and placed in an envelope for Daddy.......unexpected moments of joy, indeed!

Mommy's little WRITER!

Always thinking of GIVING to those you love---little hands covered this address label yesterday as I walked into the playroom! You were sitting at my desk. I didn't question you since you were busy creating and writing! I always have rules but sometimes it's worth the unexpected joy to have a few of them broken. As I walked out of the playroom, you said to no one in particular: "Phew! That was close!" Today while you were at school, I discovered that you had Mommy's address labels &  'Sophia' tags down from the top shelf!

The letter you wrote to Daddy simply said, "Sophia was at Kindergarten having fun!" 

A mini storm brew up without warning tonight just when Daddy made it home in time to grill tenderloin for dinner---fresh salads, homemade fries, and summer sweet corn on the cob but your little eyes were already glossed over. You had rubbed your face until it was red. I happened to catch a gap in that tired first half day smile (and with five teeth missing), I was able to shovel in a few pieces of tenderloin and fries.

Caroline must have known that the rain was coming and that as some point you'd need a raincoat for kindergarten! That doll is a sneaky snake....before we left for the pool this afternoon we discovered her with your raincoat.....Mommy was really the one that ordered it but I must say I didn't see it arrive in the is a little BIG but if you're growing 1/2 an inch every six weeks (like you did this summer), you'll fit perfectly in it this school year! 

Sneaky Snake Caroline had a surprise waiting for YOU!
Flower-Flower Baby, Shower-Shower Mommy: From one of our first board books together...toddler days to these summery first days of kindergarten---and when the rain comes we'll be prepared to slip into another day of JOY!
A New Season: Kindergarten
At bedtime, you begged to play games with Daddy. Pleading didn't win you a game, only prayers prior to bedtime! When Daddy prayed for you to like school, you said: "I already do like school!"

You wanted to show Mommy how you could read Go. Dog. Go! all by yourself so we read it aloud (Mommy helping along the way so we could get to the end faster trying to beat the clock for more rest time!?!)! When we turned out the light, you noted that it was still light outside and that we did get in bed on time (before the sun went down)! We talked about that rising early in the fall would mean dark skies...why questions were elicited but I quieted them for the night with one magical word, 'Shoo!' You perked up again with lines from our story: "Shoo! And they came back again...Shoo! And they came back again.....Shoo! And they came back again.....Shoo!" You laughed in the lighted-dark bedroom with your little, big arms around my neck. My heart was full.

One little request to go find Daddy. No was the answer. You rolled over and asked why so many children were going to be in your classroom tomorrow. You asked if I would walk you from the front again---and every day!?! Until I can.......

What an honor it is to be your know that you want me near.....that you trust my presence as God has entrusted me to be your mom! A gift that I'll treasure through every moment of each day---through the trials and these unexpected moments of joy in our days......

Until you 'Shoo!' me away.......

I love you little, BIG kindergarten girl!

post signature

Friday, July 25, 2014


It's only nine o'clock in the morning and Yiayia's kitchen smells decadent! A plate of fresh fried eggplant slices are already cooked and waiting on the stovetop. The oven is on. Inside it a large dish of 'Briam' is baking. The 'petrogas' (a gas powered camping type stovetop in the garage) is busy too. A pot of 'Fakes' are boiling (Lentil Soup). The sizzle of olive oil and the fragrance of banana peppers and squash frying give away yet another lunchtime appetizer! 

Lettuce & Tomato Salad with Olive Oil & Vinegar
'Briam'-one of the three main dishes on today's menu

Our summer has been filled with many Mediterranean dishes---traditional Greek foods prepped by Yiayia. When Yiayia would ask us what we wanted for lunch, our wishes were always granted! You repeatedly asked for "Gemista" (stuffed tomatoes and peppers with rice) but alongside your favorite dish, she always filled the lunch/dinner table with other colorful, flavorful foods. At the beginning of the summer, Papou would laugh and say, "Olo mam kai nan eimaste!" (All we do is eat and sleep!) He'd follow by saying that the foods are filled with flavor here! It must be true for when my teeth sunk into the fried squash, I couldn't stop!?! Your plates of 'gemista' would disappear too. You ate a stuffed tomato and a stuffed pepper all by yourself---an adult portion! The sweetness of the tomato and pepper skin left you wanting more so we'd share ours with you too!

Potato Salad with Olive Oil & Vinegar


Yiayia's Homemade Laxonopita

Beets & Beet Greens
'Stari'--a breakfast favorite
'Kashopita' right out of the oven! Mommy didn't wait for a picture to be taken first!?!
A few of these delectable dishes make it into our kitchen at home in Dyersburg, Tennessee too. Your favorite, Gemista, is baked by Yiayia when she comes to visit. I laughed at a commercial here in Greece when a Yiayia ran upstairs for her ipad and someone in the kitchen was about to devour the food she cooked! The Yiayia called down the stairs....don't eat it yet! The Yiayia wanted a picture of her dish for her blog---To Blog Tis Yiayias! That Yiayia must be me in my retirement years!?! I must get busy not only photographing, eating, and blogging about our Yiayia's handiwork in her kitchen (and ours) but documenting recipes for us to cook again and again! Unfortunately, Yiayia cooks by memory so her dishes are a mystery of vegetables, olive oil, sea salt, 'rigane', and love. Thus, the task of recreating these delectable delights doesn't just involve getting out a recipe. Each dish is filled with unexpected moments of joy.

A Snapshot of a Summer Veranda Luncheon
I look forward to our last lunch on the veranda this summer with Yiayia, Papou, and you today! Although it is not 'gemista', I know that each one of us will be filled with food, healthy, laughter, and love graced by God our provider.

"Gemista" is derived from the word 'gemiso' which means "to fill"! 

(Note the Atlanta Bread Company paper plate!?! That's another blog entry on the treasures in Yiayia's and Papou's house!?! There are photographs and mementos from our entire lives here. Now as you've traveled here with Mommy for the past six years, I also find items from our summers here too. I love to toss everything and/or give it away but the hardships that Yiayia & Papou have endured are remembered through their stories and all their keepsakes!?!)

As I was finishing this blog post, you were playing and the morning was getting away from us. So I put my work aside for us to work on your little journal. In the midst of writing you must have had a bit of hunger sneak up on you, "Mommy, Yiayia should have made 'gemista' for us today since it's our last day." I answered, "But she doesn't have peppers and tomatoes." You replied, "We can buy some!" So we put on our walking shoes and walked up the mountains to the local markets to buy fresh vegetables today for one more pan of gemista in the village of Zitsa before our journey home.
I love you little one! As does Yiayia---making sure you have one last bite of your favorite summer dish on our last day here.

post signature

Thursday, July 24, 2014

"Yiayia, Rigane!"

Wild sprigs of oregano (rigane) grow around the bases of the mountains in the higher elevations of the villages throughout Greece. On our summer trips to Greece, I can always remember stopping to pick oregano alongside these bends in the road. Handfuls of oregano are known to take residence throughout the many homes in Greece. Hung to dry with ribbon or string, the oregano hardens and is ready to be rubbed into little bits of fragrant herbs that douse our palates with memories in Greece! 

"Rigane" on the roadside in Greece
Yiayia picking 'rigane' for us to take home.
Early in July this summer, we were returning from the beach when Papou pulled over for us to grab water out of the cooler in the trunk! Little mounds of oregano springs were waiting to be cut! Their little white flowers beckoned that they were ready to top delectable dishes. Yiayia was first to fill her hands with a bouquet of oregano with plans to dry it out and send it home with us at the end of our vacation. Papou, you, and I each grabbed a little handful of our own oregano to add to Yiayia’s handfuls----as I fused at Yiayia for hanging out close to the mountain edge. Oregano loves to grow in full sun and it’s found among the other dry and thorny vegetation in Greece. Only half of the oregano sprigs are picked each year so that the roots remain in the dry, rocky terrain to be found again------a yearly treasure. I can’t say though that we return to the same locations each summer to pick oregano. 

Mommy is helping pick 'rigane' amongst the thorny, rocky, dry terrain.
Smelling 'rigane' with Papou
A bouquet of 'Rigane' 
Actually a few days later from our first oregano stop, Yiayia, you, and I were walking to Daphnofito, a small village behind our house. You were the first to spot oregano growing. You called, “Yiayia, rigane” and another handful was picked!

Between Ano Ravenia & Zitsa---picking 'rigane'
As the summer unraveled, we found yet another bouquet of oregano to pick and quite by happenstance found another oregano patch while out walking in the village! Now that the summer’s end is near, a plastic container full of dried oregano is traveling home with us. It’s packed in our suitcase---double wrapped in the plastic bin and a Ziploc bag to keep the fragrant herb from adding its fragrance to everything else in our luggage. Some may argue that oregano is found at the grocery store and that they wouldn’t bother picking it, drying it out, and prepping it to use in the kitchen miles across the sea. However if one has ever enjoyed Greek oregano from the mountainside, they’ll know the unexpected joy that comes from picking summer oregano throughout the village roadsides.

Sophia's 'Rigane' Bouquet
In your memory of summer memories.....when recipes call for oregano, I pray that you'll remember the simplicity of finding 'rigane' on the mountains in Greece---the joy of finding it and picking it with Yiayia, Papou, and Mommy!

Another handful of oregano picked to dry...
 I love you little one!

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