Monday, November 18, 2013

An Appointment

Saturday. Sunday. Monday. The past three days consisted of many, mini errands and uninterrupted time at home organizing and tidying up tasks---starting more projects....adding items to our list of lists and......and......and........

Daddy's hand is healing. 

Fever embraced your body.......and as I tucked you in after bedtime stories....

Mommy said to you as I kissed your forehead, "First thing in the morning, I will call the doctor and get you an appointment."

You, Sophia---always wanting the last word---and food---responded with, "First, will you get me some breakfast and milk and then call for an appointment?"

I smiled. ALL the little things you say----captivate. my. heart. 

All the stories of our lives get intercepted by the next moment in our day....our legacy becomes one continuous stream of joy. Tonight, when I sat down with my coupon teaching materials and a catalog to thumb through as I waited for my student(s), I thought about you having alone time with Daddy working at his shop....and I thought about bits and pieces of our lives. As I leafed through the pages of the catalog, I saw a catchphrase....words to live by...wit and wisdom saying.."When you LOVE what you HAVE, you HAVE everything you NEED!" Etched in gray------resonated on my heart. Embraced---no black and white. Just FACT. Unexpected words of joy just like your request for breakfast/milk before the call for an doctor's appointment.......

Thanks for where we are. Right here, right now. Before the blessings, in the mess----thanks for what we have---it's all that we need. So tonight's appointment is one of snapshots of our thanks for all that we have, all that we are, and for the crevices of our lives that open up our hearts to seek and understand that's all we need.

Painting a fall canvas. Colors depicting the leaves that are changing this season---a canvas symbolic of the changes in our lives that we can't even see/hear in these moments...
SO. I love this!! So what!?! if no one understands our legacy. It's ours. SO. We are counting our moments of joy in the ordinary, the everyday messiness of our lives. SO what if we do!?! WE find more joy to call our own. SO. We can't live without it.
Painting with an assortment of paints, freebies from Lowe's from Mommy's magazines & lids from pints of strawberry Haagen Daz ice-cream that Daddy eats every night house the paints as you spell out your name.
Daddy was summoned to help you: "Daddy, you put the paint on the paintbrushes and I'll paint!" Just remember that not everyone else will.......
Kitten Joy: One. Two. Three. Little kittens....six weeks old and FULL of little delights! I think we've spent the entire week just watching them grow and........that's where all our time disappeared to....I was wondering how our list of lists grew so long....!?!
The Nutcracker family has always received attention from your two little hands year after year. With only two nutcrackers remaining, I thought they'd be ignored this year. Wrong. You took one gingerbread off and strung it on your necklace to wear. "Blackie" is eating one gingerbread. Oh My!?! What would Mommy do without these Christmas joys!?!
Added tinsel to the town....ornaments all over the kitchen floor....along with three kittens & one five year old. Luckily, I love ONE more than all the rest. You must know by now that I like order but I wouldn't trade a 'line of ducks' for YOU. Ever. Disorder with you is a legacy waiting to happen---one full of joy & surprises when you heed my advice: mini me....
Doll Mischief: Caroline left you a note. She outfitted a memo with a kitty-cat shopping girl and a few important notes...Santa is watching. "Mommy, will you push the shopping cart and let me put the groceries in it and take them out so that Santa can see me helping you!?!" I loved this little question today while we walked towards Kroger together. Indeed. You helped. And oh. the glimpse of you kissing each gift left by your Christmas tree. Why are you kissing them? I asked. Because I love presents---you answered as you hopped into bed last night. The expectation. JOY.
Daddy can you believe that Caroline wrote this & left my octopus on top of the Operation Christmas Child boxes!?! Wonder what she was trying to tell you!?! Want. Be good. Receive. Give more---8 legs!?! There's always more joy in giving. When you're down little one, always give thanks and give of yourself, your time, & your resources.
A leaf of thanks on our Thanksgiving tree......
OCC boxes ready to donate this week!
Sunlight. Christmas Cards. Illustrations. Time together. Sick day. Simply joys.
I loved that you thought Caroline wrapped and placed these gifts under the tree! Silly girl....Mommies don't get the credit they deserve ever if you count joy through the world's lens-----but when you count the smiles, the numbers you count as you point to each gift, the squeals..."Daddy, daddy...", the stories of today.....that's where my credits roll, one after another in your embrace of life around the kitchen table when we curb your wants with discussion of others who lost everything in one storm last night...needs before wants...finding joy in the now because we have everything we need.
Chocolate. JOY. I love that you love dark chocolate as Mommy does---and milk chocolate...and just chocolate...although, I'm not a fan of chocolate cake or ice-cream, chocolate bars are always a treat----thankful for coupon treats for bags of......
Joyful for Crisp. Healthy. Apples. And Super Sales.
Vignettes of Christmas stories......waiting to unfold.....among the rocks and heart leaves you've collected and that I've placed in the window seal to remind me of your treasures.
Painted leaf from Preschool: Paintbrushes reminding us to paint often this season.
A colorful leaf...always perfect. Your artwork. Mommy's display----entwined with joy.
Christmas cards prepared to address & mail/deliver. Candy Canes. Santa list.
Artwork. Daily treasures I pick up off the floor, table, counters.......LOVE!
A canvas painted. A reflection of artwork. Thankful for the opportunity to be a stay-at-home Mommy. Insanity saturated with joy-----wanting more, having it all, falling in love with you with every breath that I take.
"Debt Snowballs' that are MELTING this season----three. JOY. To be debt free.......
Coffee. Laptop. Deals. Bloggers. Catalogs. Time-sheets. To do lists. Coupon binder. Kitchen table. Quiet time. Midnight hours.....
And one bad dream......tears. You sitting up in bed pointing...saying, "Get him out of here!" I hear you little one. When we need that time for ourselves, our projects, our lives.........focus......just one appointment....we must face the GIANT. Look him straight in the eyes no matter how big he is and say "Get him out of here!!" There's no room in our lives for fear, defeat, loneliness.....

Some days are harder than others and our appointments take over our lives. Some days are unscheduled catch up days. Others twisted. Others bright. WE don't know what's around the corner or if the appointment we need to make with ourselves, our family, our doctor....will actualize itself. However, I do know that no matter how hard our day full our lives are......we can give thanks right now and enjoy the blessings of all that is around us. Simply living......

An appointment. Wanted. With you.....

As I sat finishing this post, I heard little feet that walked down the hallway to the living room to Daddy..."I want Mommy!" Little pink baby blankets and two little arms curled around my neck.....

"Will you stay with me Mommy!?!"

Yes. You little one are an appointment I wouldn't miss.

Right. Here. Right now. 

I love you.

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