Monday, May 19, 2014

The List

There's always a list of home repairs----many mini items and many BIG jobs....tireless, endless jobs for Daddy-O when he arrives home from work...home from repairs, constructing....moving non-stop just to collide with our lists. Or maybe it's just Mommy's list for Daddy!?! Your list is simply for him to do as you say---look at me....listen to with you do have your own list!?!

Tonight, Daddy arrived home from a full day at work (7:30 to 6:30---and if you count getting up with you at 5:40....) to rest but there was no sitting down!?! He had to butcher our steaks for dinner and prepare the others for the freezer. Then, he was our chef---grilling our steaks to perfection while he played and listened to you outside (Mommy went for a mini jog/walk!). And right when he finished his last bite of steak, you requested to go to the park. He was on GO! Daddy-O entertained you at the park for at least an hour---and you requested that he give you a shower!?! Hair salon in bed.....flips in bed....and somewhere in between a touch of this and that!?! Through the back door I heard two discussing wishes...."Mommy, wasn't that a good wish!?!" You beamed in delight as you said, "Daddy, I wish you could stay here forever!" Daddy said he was planning on it unless one of us did away with him!?! He was probably referring to me----with my list of all there is to accomplish or all that I want to accomplish in a day. Yet, I'm with you. I'd like Daddy to stay here forever. Or at least a day to repair, organize, finish tasks....planting....pressure washing...painting....building your playhouse....remodeling...The List of mundane items when all we really want is his time---his presence! Entertaining us with unexpected moments of joy like he did on Mother's Day...

Big S, Little S. What begins with S? Savoring today!
Pressure washing our driveway for unfinished project!?! "Painting" an S in the pea-gravel with his magic wand! And writing your name as you watched on in wonder.......

Play-Writing in the dirt!?!
Taking time to answer your questions. To fall in love with you over and over again! Lounging with you little one couldn't be possible without one super-dad! He IS it! What a gift it has been to set aside my career for six years to be MOM! Having time amidst my chores to filter through what I think is important, only to cross it off my list and rewrite: Time together....time for new memories...moments that evoke more questions and imaginative filled treasures that grow you...inspire you.....joyous moments to lock in your heart of hearts, forever and always!

Love Matters: Stopping to listen to You
So as the night dwindled away from us this evening.....the ten o'clock hour came and your wishes became dreams as you fell fast asleep. I found Daddy sitting in a rocking chair on the front porch relaxing, reading the news. I asked him where the butcher was who was supposed to cut up the rest of the meat for our spring/summer meals. Tired. I asked him where the craftsman was that was going to go to the shop tonight to cut out wood for window boxes---and who would be building a swing!?! Tired. I asked him where the husband was that was going to spend time with his wife? A laugh is what I heard as I walked away....tired....but I didn't walk away in defeat. The weekend had been long....the week before that longer...the month maybe even the longest.....The List....his list of work/home to do-s collides somewhere with yours...with mine...with client's...and God's plan for our lives. There are no accidents. Only moments of joy that we have to give thanks for.....we're pulled in so many directions. And yet, God says, "Be Still." His list is simple for our lives: LOVE one another. I can say that on our list is tons of love. We love one another. Can we love even more!?! Yes. We can erase the measures of a day's work from our list and simply count the joy in this moment.

It's only been a few days since I walked outside minutes after you only to find you standing in front of Daddy's truck (towering over you). I saw your feet planted on the ground in the green grass....a small sideways grin as I got closer of you reading the words on his license plate, CAT. I asked you if Daddy had seen you!?! Silence. I asked Daddy if he knew you were standing in front of his truck. The answer was simply NO. As my heart trembled in fear and my mind raced with the list, I couldn't even count the joy. I stood frozen. My heart couldn't feel. I could see you but in fear I couldn't name one thing on my list that mattered more than you. My list of thanks rewrote itself quickly...thankful for planted feet...thankful that a client didn't call....that Daddy didn't forget something.....that the truck remained still...

The month of May has brought about many new changes or soon to be changes in our lives. It started off busy, busy and is tampering down to quiet moments of summer with a give or take routine!?! I want to prepare for these 'new' moments diligently. It's important to me to have lists...goals to accomplish but not in lieu of my main love love love Daddy-O. So on my list is to live intentionally for embrace the gift of today with you.....but not merely sun up to sun down but the small unexpected moments of joy with you. The way you laughed in delight when Mrs. Becky's big puppy dog crawled between your legs....the silent discovery of treasure when Mr. Randy handed you colored glass rocks to keep....the glue and glitter castle you created.......the tears that streamed down your face..."...but Mommy, I love Lulu!"........"Where's Baby Aurora Mommy?".........slowing down for the rest of spring......savoring the joys that I can't live without.....

My daughter....and Daddy-O. Although, he's too tired to be a butcher, a craftsman, a husband tonight, he's the BEST daddy in the world. He lights up your world....and he does a pretty good job of keeping Mommy happy too......I see him researching....crafting.......

Make sure I tell you all about Love Languages one day.

Add it to our list.

The List.
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