Monday, June 9, 2014

Happy Sixth Birthday!

Sunday night's bedtime chimes were long gone when Daddy pulled you in his lap in your bedroom rocking chair and reminded you that it was the last night that you'd be five.....and he told you about the Sunday that I was very uncomfortable....that day in 2008 when a shot was given to me to stop my labor because you were arriving too early....about the day you were born because you were ready to see us...."Daddy tell me more about the day I was born!?!" you insisted with laughter and a smile across your face. "Daddy, tell me about my baptism....Daddy......." You were eager to know all about YOU on the last day of being five. 

One Year Old Beach Baby in Lefkada, Greece
 With only a few hours left, we both fell asleep quite quickly and the morning arrived that you were six! I heard you early, early....and I quickly hid at the entrance of the foyer door to catch you as you rounded the corner---lifting you in my arms (you weigh almost 50 lbs now) and singing, 'Happy Birthday to You!' Your little eyes lit up and you embraced being six! 

Painting Birthday Birdhouses
Sewing your princess pants on your birthday!

Ladders & Loads of Birthday Fun Working with Daddy
Last night when I asked you what you wanted to do for your birthday....anything special, you told me to decide and that you would do anything I wanted us to do together. I loved that little, sincere answer from trusted that I would make your day extra special!?! And sometimes, just sometimes it is easy pleasing you. So this morning, we enjoyed breakfast watching cartoons while I had my coffee and piddled on the computer. You zoomed this way and that----we ordered your birthday doll (there's a reason we waited & a story to tell there too) and had a morning bath before we headed out to Walgreens and Kroger---a few odds and ends to buy. We had lunch at home. You painted your birdhouses and requested to watch a few more cartoons. A surprise visit from Daddy for birthday wishes. We went on a walk looking for treasures. You played and wrote. You laughed and played. You requested a raspberry Sonic sweet tea---wish granted! You wanted to sew your princess pants that you accidentally ripped today! "Please, please Mommy, can I fix the hole!" You sang one of Daddy's songs with him in the parking lot of his shop...."Let them see you in me!" You played at the park. We jumped on the trampoline and hid out in the basement when the windy, storms started pounding our yard. You cleaned out gutters with Daddy. We ate dinner together as a family. You played with Princess with Daddy....and a few mini "Hello Kitty" movies with coke & popcorn......two more board games......goodnight talks, prayers......and a once upon a time story!?! 

Sophia & Princess Girl

"Mommy, make it up!" 

"Once upon a time......a little six year old girl, Sophia and her Mommy woke up in a Kindergarten classroom with their pajamas on....the class and the teacher walked in......silly day.....Princess Girl....and her kittens.....cupcakes on their of happy birthday....Lulu with her angel halo came in with a kitty cat bowl in red filled with pink icing just for Sophia......."

"Mommy, what happened next!?!"

You loved all the little parts of your special day. You loved mommy's little silly, make believe once upon a time story---and when I asked you what your favorite part of today was you looked at Daddy, you looked at me....we took guesses and you kept smiling and shaking your head we insisted you tell and you made a heart with your fingers/hand and pointed to Daddy and then yourself and you made the same little heart and pointed to Mommy and yourself----and so if the best part of your day is us loving you and you loving us, I'd say that we could have a birthday celebration every day!

Hard to believe that my little baby girl is SIX (two hand digits)!?!
We love you little one! You make our hard jobs as parents super easy when at the end of the day all of you is HAPPY----smiling from ear to ear, eager to keep going even when your little body is ready to sleep......the "what happened next" of our legacy has yet to be written little one. Now that you are six, I'm sure the mix will continue to fix all the little pieces of our lives that seem broken--------you'll fill them with unexpected moments of joy and together we will give thanks to God for allowing us to be your parents.


Happy, happy birthday! May your sixth year give you the desires of your heart! 

And many, many more....I can hardly wait for these new adventures...six plus day one....

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