Thursday, June 5, 2014

Little Gears

After you were sound asleep tonight, Daddy said that all the hundreds of thoughts in your mind are like gears constantly in motion!?! It was only when you were asleep that he finally had a moment of silence. Your conversations jumped from one topic to the next tonight as we had a simple dinner out on the town and enjoyed a simple ride out into the country together. I loved all the endless chatter and the quiet, simple nature of being together. You made us laugh when you said, "You know why I talk too much...because it's hard waiting patiently while Mommy is talking to you!" Silly girl!?! So if Mommy's not talking, you jump in with all of your endless ideas....all your little gears working at once!

Brought You Home In This Little Gown
Maybe those little gears twisting and turning are just reminding us to power down, to focus relish in the moments we're given with sit on the couch and read between finding tickle listen to your requests to go to Mrs. Jean's house to work with Daddy (and that you'd just wait for him upstairs)!?! Oh little I am enjoying you these days!?! I find myself mesmerized by the little girl that you are.....I stand back and admire not only what you say but your actions. Not perfect but admirable indeed! "Jumpety-Bumpety Hop is exactly how life flies...a preemie...a soft white June...once upon a...almost six years ago!?!" was one of my status updates on Facebook I was cleaning the playroom yesterday, I found this little outfit hanging on your board. It was neatly hung up because I do remember warning you that I didn't want it on the floor since it was a special piece. I vaguely remember tucking it back in your special drawer of baby items! Although one by one you continue to sneak them back into your playroom to PLAY with and pretend with as you love on your baby dolls and stuffed animals. "Sophia, what are you doing?" "Nothing!?!" is always your response. I'm positive that some of these unfamiliar sounds are you gathering items from other nooks and crannies in our home and relocating them to your playroom. However, I did love finding this little white gown perfectly hung up by you---extra special! And it was repositioned next to Daddy measuring you last night....
Forty-Six Inched SIX Year Old
We don't think you'll grow between today and Monday.......thus your height has been recorded! We were surprised at such an astonishing growth chart! You are growing around three inches a year! FORTY-SIX inches tall now that you are ALMOST-SIX!?! You're a tower! Tall, lean and built with muscles that anyone would covet-----and your spirit is full of love....and a ham! You love, love, love to laugh! And think....your little gears were turning tonight......"Mommy, when I go to kindergarten will I have to go on Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter....holidays!?!" You're looking forward to going to school again and meeting friends but you're not sure about looooooooooonnnnggg days without 'being with [me] all day'! However, as you're thinking through kindergarten, there are questions and there are thoughts that are voiced....we're talking through all of them! Encouragement...a little journal writing, reading, adding...building vocabulary...working on reading comprehension.......but most of all allowing your little gears to turn endlessly....counting each moment.....each topic as moments of unexpected moments of joy!

Our House with Red Ball Swing
I loved this little picture you drew for Daddy yesterday! It only gives up a few visual thoughts but only if we could have seen those 'little gears' turning when you were drawing it! Mommy was busy in the kitchen. Daddy was busy at work. You were busy watching cartoons and coloring----with thoughts of your own....a few details of our ball swing...Daddy pushing you....the paper folded by you and placed into a business envelope that you wouldn't let Mommy see until Daddy opened it....another unexpected moment of joy....seeing your little artwork, a piece of you created especially for someone you love-----and you waited all day to give it to him! It also silently captured the little gears in my own heart. The unsettled feelings of leaving all that we love behind to leave for vacation in Greece----to another place that we love where we'll be with Yiayia & Papou...not fear, not regret....not really sadness but a hard turn......a gear that needs a little push, a little oiling.........but until then we'll enjoy the rest of the gears turning, scripting the stories of our lives.

I love you little one!


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