Friday, May 30, 2014

Back to the Basics

Our Friday came to an end with a few regrets as time and other choices for our day pushed aside added reading time and journal time together. As we wrapped up a few quick bedtime reads, I told you that I hated that we didn't take time to write in our journal together today and you said, "I know!?!" It was sweet hearing you voice your regret too in your tone. You wanted to read all the words in the books to me tonight but we were already pushing past 9:30 p.m. so we sped through a few pages-----as the last book hit the floor, I asked you what your favorite moment of today was---my favorite answer, "Being with you and Daddy!?!" I beamed in the clock-lit bedroom and prodded, "What was your favorite moment with Mommy? With Daddy?" You quickly answered back, "Swimming with you and washing the basement floor with Daddy!" Simple answers that reiterate my daily thoughts of living life simplified....there's no need for frilly affairs and agendas that tire us beyond recognition. It's simple---living ordinary lives savoring all that we have around us. Embracing the basics of our world, slowing down and discovering each creation with new found love & joy!

Transplanted Hosta Plants Thriving
Although you slept in until 9:44 a.m. this morning, I rushed you out of pajamas (otherwise you would have enjoyed endless favorite cartoons on the couch as the heat of the day set in...) and into shorts so that we could enjoy the fresh morning air outside! The Hosta plants greeted us as you played on your ball swing (a buoy that Daddy hung from the tree for you). The Hosta flowers in lavender reminded me to add a Hummingbird feeder to the tree----and the empty hanging baskets waiting to be filled....(two little yardwork items and science projects that we can complete together this weekend). 

Hosta Plants Waiting for Hummingbird Visitors
Alongside our morning greetings were the blooms on the hydrangeas. Their various colors of whites, purples, and pinks drew in the eye and mind! I loved walking around the house in circles getting some morning mileage in amidst the "Mommy, will you help me put on my tennis shoes!?!" "Mommy, I want to race!" "Mommy....." As my mind wanted to escape into solitude...into thoughts of projects and the day's tasks, you kept drawing me back to the present being outdoors with you. 

The blooms on this same hydrangea plant awaited us in June when we brought you home that first day! Each season they return reminding me of joy passed and joy to come....
Purple Lace Leaf Hydrangeas Planted when you were a toddler
One of four plants with one more waiting to be planted
Glorious Spring Blooms that we clip and bring indoors---joy shared!
Observing not only the glorious new blooms and growth of the plants surrounding our home but your love for conversation...unexpected moments of joy! From one subject to the next you skipped......a morning trip to Kroger......lunch together and poolside hours swimming...."Mommy, watch this.......Mommy......." A visit to the park and time outside grilling.....clover flowers collected for a long, long necklace for you and a clover necklace for Princess Girl, your cat. Dinner at the kitchen table-----and a secret whispered aloud (Mommy was pretending to have her ears clogged!?!) to Daddy, "After dinner, can we go to the PARK?" 

Fresh Green Juice Poolside for Extra Refreshment
The kitchen sink was piled high with dishes as two headed out the door. A quiet bath and time to finish ironing for one......chatter by the bedroom window and two headed downstairs to clean the basement floor----an item on our list of lists that never received proper attention until tonight! Daddy had the best helper downstairs with him. The job is complete although the air filter remains to be changed tomorrow.....

Quietness: "Sophia, what are you doing!?!" "Nothing," was your response but with Daddy walking through the back door, you wanted to make sure that you LOOKED just like him! Your closet was emptied into our luggage so you selected a few of his clothes!?! Silly girl...

Life's list of 'to do's' is never complete. Finding the stillness amidst the busyness of the world matters. It makes a difference in attitudes, restored souls, gratitude and more. As I tucked you in tonight and I thought about our day, I may have regretted not having set time aside today to write with you but we spent the day together in proximity which in turn reminded me that getting back to the basics matters---we have to take care of what's important in our lives (working, paying bills, socializing, etc.) but leaving enough room to balance out life is a necessity too.

Wading in cool blue waters......piles of books to read.....journals with pages to fill......learning to transplant hosta plants to create new ones......laying out a new flowerbed.....researching and making a Hummingbird feeder.....taking time to visit with friends/family.....another list---maybe!?! Back to the basics one joy at a time---no rushing, taking time to teach......"Do you want to learn how to iron?" Mommy asked you today. "Yea!" (saying it like Daddy does) So I showed you how to use the hot iron to press the wrinkles out of clothes. Simplified living----moments of unexpected joy.

"First, you have to scoop me up Daddy!" (You demanded with a smile across your face as Daddy started to exit your bedroom tonight. The games never end with you and although he scooped wheel barrels full of concrete and rocks today, YOU--I'm sure was his favorite he dumped you in bed with a smile across his face.)

Sometimes that's all we need----a scoop of 'back to the basics" of living to fill our hearts to the brim!

I love you little one!

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