Thursday, May 29, 2014

May's Memories

May's end is coming to an end already!?! I don't know that I'm ready...There are so many precious memories that kept unfolding, quietly---fervently throughout the days, the weeks...the season..throughout the year...May's memories are tangled within the fifth month of the year....and it's the last month that you'll be five. Thus, I'm reminded why I'm not ready. You are growing up!?! Mommy's little girl...

Although I can't stop time, I'm trying to live fully present in our days together----in tune to all the silly things you say...listening to the connections you make of our past...responding with a little more guidance and a lot less judgement...teaching, loving, enjoying....savoring the sweet moments of unexpected moments of joy with you---with our family.

On Memorial Day weekend, we didn't make plans other than attacking yard work and housework around Daddy's work schedule....a little pool time...but the hours brought unexpected visitors, Yiayia and Papou. Throughout the weekend, we enjoyed their visit cooking and conversing around the house. We enjoyed thrift store shopping with Yiayia and lunch with both Yiayia and Papou! We ate and laughed---relishing their time with us in our home until it was their time to travel back to Georgia. 

One of our favorite vegan, Greek dishes: Gemista (Made by Yiayia with Mommy's alteration request, wild rice)! The only non-vegan delicacy missing was Feta Cheese!
You requesting Yiayia to make you a May Day Wreath with flowers (remembering the joy of years past when Yiayia visited in early May)!?!
Yiayia & "Silly-Faced" Sophia
Memorial Day 2014
Monkeying Around in May
Laughing with our photographer, Yiayia
Three Generations of Joy: Yiayia (67), Mommy (39), Sophia (5)
Yesterday, Daddy, you and I ate a quick dinner at home and ventured to the mall to have your ears pierced. You chattered all the way there making sure that Daddy knew that he needed to hold your hand (first on one side and then the other side as each ear was pierced). At Claire's you beamed with delight and had your ears pierced like a 'big girl'---absolutely no tears! You selected 'June' birthstone ear-rings for your first pair and a few treats followed! You ordered 'two sprinkled cookies' and Daddy ordered brownies from the Popcorn Place. Then, we traveled to DQ to order your ice-cream cake for your birthday party. You flipped through the birthday booklet and decided on the Strawberry Shortcake sheet cake for your party day. Two more treats---for Daddy & you with many sweet bites of decadent ice-cream for Mommy too! 
Ready for sparkly ear-rings!?!
Daddy's hand holding Sophia's (just like you requested)
A June Stud for the Princess
Proud Moment
Treats upon treats---and I do believe I heard 'Santa + Diamond Ear-Rings'!?! He's a silly Santa because the real diamond is TIME together!
The evening last night ended with a little running--slip and slides--down the hallway for Daddy and you. Smiles all around.....a few bedtime prayers and slumber. I don't even remember who fell asleep first, you or me. I just remember feeling rested early this morning as I sat in a quiet home waiting for you to wake. You slept through my morning chores, the phone ringing....until 10:20 a.m.!! Summer slumber hours indeed......Luckily, we've had an open-ended schedule for May and we were able to just lounge around the house until our afternoon swim session time. A few errands........and back home to wait for Daddy-O! The two of you grilled, sowed grass seed, got a hoola-hoop stuck in a tree and back out again, played yard sale........and our night was over a little later than expected but not without savoring each morsel of today! 

I'm still laughing and smiling at you today. The minute your little feet hit the floor this morning, your motor was moving....thinking, talking, playing, imagining....

Randoms from today that I had to insert into my Facebook Status so that I wouldn't forget these smiles:  
  • Sophia & I love little rhymes. Typically, one word leads to a rhyme we've read or just one we made up! So she's inspecting my poison ivy and says, "You're itching and bitching!?!" I tried not to laugh!?!
  • Daddy: Doesn't Mommy look nice today!?!
    Sophia (as she's pulling down summer's shorter hemlines grunting "ugh, ugh"): Yes. Mommy bought two new dresses.
You fill May's Memories beyond words.....photographs only capture the surface of the sweetness of our ordinary days together....our time together is so much more than one can conjure joy to be....true moments of thanks that reflect God's gifts to us. Sometimes what we see and hear are our moments of pause---our moments to stand in 'awe' of HIS great masterpiece, our lives and how all the pieces, the memories fit together to create our legacy.

A crafted glitter heart image for Daddy---and yes, you streamed golden, fine glitter from the playroom to the kitchen (aka the entire length of the house)!?! Jackson Joy....a golden, find unexpectedly amidst our Thursday! I'll always count your creations as joy because your heart/mind embraces making and giving for others. This is a true gift that you'll always use to instill love in others' lives. In this artwork, Daddy saw a 'kitty face'. Maybe unconsciously you were thinking of Lulu or she was watching over you---purr-fectly purple---a royal reward in heaven awaits for those loyal in giving thanks in everything. 
May's Memories are entangled images of unexpected moments of joy because you're absolutely extraordinary!


I love you my little five year old (although I won't be able to say that much longer)!

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